Android 4.1/4.2/4.3 Jelly Bean


Android Jelly Bean, spanning versions 4.1 to 4.3, was a continuation of the design and user experience philosophies introduced with Ice Cream Sandwich. Released in July 2012, Jelly Bean focused on refining the user experience, introducing smoother animations, enhanced notifications, and a range of new features.


Building on the foundation of Ice Cream Sandwich, Google aimed to make the Android experience even more seamless and responsive with Jelly Bean. The release emphasized “Project Butter,” an initiative to make the user interface smoother and more responsive.


Jelly Bean brought about a series of refinements and new features. The user interface saw subtle enhancements, with a focus on smoother transitions and animations. The platform also introduced Google Now, a predictive assistant that provided information proactively.

First devices to receive the update:

The Nexus 7 tablet, developed in collaboration with Asus, was one of the first devices to showcase Jelly Bean and its features.


Android Jelly Bean introduced a wealth of features across its three versions:

  • Project Butter: This initiative aimed to make the UI ultra-smooth, with consistent 60fps animations and transitions.
  • Google Now: A predictive assistant that provided relevant information based on user habits and preferences.
  • Expandable Notifications: Notifications became more interactive, allowing users to take actions directly from the notification shade.
  • Photo Sphere: A feature that allowed users to capture 360-degree panoramic photos.
  • Daydream: A screensaver mode that displayed information when the device was idle or docked.
  • Restricted Profiles: Introduced in 4.3, this feature allowed users to control access to apps and content for specific user profiles.

User Experience:

Jelly Bean further enhanced the Android user experience. The emphasis on smoothness and responsiveness made daily interactions more enjoyable. Features like Google Now showcased Android’s commitment to innovation, providing users with a proactive assistant that anticipated their needs.


Jelly Bean continued to build on the Linux kernel and the open-source ethos of Android. The platform became more robust and versatile, catering to an even broader range of devices and user needs.


With Jelly Bean, Google introduced several security enhancements. Features like restricted profiles allowed users to have better control over their device’s data and app access. The platform also focused on improving sandboxing, ensuring apps operated in isolated environments, reducing potential vulnerabilities.


Android Jelly Bean was well-received by both users and critics. The smoother UI, courtesy of Project Butter, and the introduction of Google Now were particularly praised. Jelly Bean solidified Android’s position as a leading mobile OS, emphasizing both innovation and user-centric design.

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